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Harpoon Ultimate Edition

Harpoon Ultimate Edition Rating: 8,2/10 7333 reviews

Should I remove Harpoon Ultimate Commanders Edition by Matrix Games? Learn how to remove Harpoon Ultimate Commanders Edition from your computer. This edition celebrates the twentieth anniversary of the computer Harpoon series. The two base games included are: Larry Bond's Harpoon 3: Advanced Naval Warfare.

Harpoon Ultimate Edition is released To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Harpoon and give fans who enjoy playing the older versions a great archival edition, Harpoon – Ultimate Edition includes more than 20 previous releases of Computer Harpoon including Harpoon 3 v3.63 and Harpoon Classic. This allows players who have databases or scenarios tied to these older versions to continue to enjoy them for years to come, and it will also allow new players who purchase the Ultimate Edition access to this rich older content. 04.11.10 0:20. In article, says.

This is absolutely the most pointless and stupid thing any software company has ever done. I take that back. Actually, a company that had a long track record of producing excellent products chock-full o' gameplay might delight their fans with a 'gold' compilation of pervious versions. For example, if the FALLOUT: NEW VEGAS DVD had come with copies of FALLOUT, FALLOUT 2, and FALLOUT 3 - even the first game being a wonderful jewel - then I could see buyers thanking them profusely.

Sure, the original FALLOUT is dated, but there's a helluva lotta gameplay there for buyers to discover. Similarly, a company that was deeply a part of the history of computing might serve the industry well by including previous versions on the media of the latest version. For example, it might be of genuine value if Adobe put PhotoShop 1.0 through CS5 on the CS5 media; buyers would spend.hours. walking down memory lane - and the tech media would buzz about the historical tour for weeks. It would be like finding a copy of PC WORLD from 1986 at a yard sale and spending an hour time-traveling to a previous era. But fucking HARPOON? What the.fuck.?

They're going to put HARPOON II: ADMIRAL'S EDITION on the disk? Why the frakk would anyone want to try.that. piece of shit? It's exactly the same as the.current.

piece of shit! It works about the same, the buglist is about as long, and the pure essence of suckiness comes through with the same painful impact. Loved that one. It was the same as the current one, worked no better or worse, and served as my introduction to the bitter world of AGSI. ULTIMATE EDITION? How 'ultimate'?

The get the fucking thing working right yet? Or do they think a code-dump of all the previous versions that worked like shit is going to attract the same idiots would own a previous version to buy their shitware.again.? The only analogy that springs to mind would be: 'Here! For only $50, I'll sell you the cat-turds I fished out of the litterbox this morning. To sweeten the deal, I'll include.all.

the cat-turds! Even from the previous cats!' - Giftzwerg. 'I fear very few will now listen to the new extremis.

calling for a new civility of the sort he helped destroy with his offensive and polarizing slurs and smears the last month.' - Victor Davis Hanson Giftzwerg 04.11.10 3:50. In article, says. You got a buglist yet?:) I guess the most complete one would still be the buglist for any latest edition:D It strikes me that instead of including all the previous versions of this shitware in the new release, AGSI might deliver a much better entertainment experience for their customers if they included the text of all the historical forum and USENET flame wa^h^h^h^h^h discussions about HARPOON. Gotta be more fun than actually.playing. HARPOON, eh? - Giftzwerg.

'I fear very few will now listen to the new extremis. calling for a new civility of the sort he helped destroy with his offensive and polarizing slurs and smears the last month.' - Victor Davis Hanson 04.11.10 4:15. On Nov 4, 11:47 am, Giftzwerg wrote: ULTIMATE EDITION? How 'ultimate'? I guess nobody is spotting the.huge. error AGSI made - by calling this the 'ultimate' edition, what are they going to call the next 10 releases?

The 'ultimate - and now we mean it' edition The 'ultimate - pinky swear it is' edition The 'ultimate ultimate' edition The 'ultimate gold' edition The 'ultimate platinum' edition The 'ultimate anniversary' edition The 'ultimate forever' edition. I say we open a betting pool on this so Mario can continue to 'work' on his fortune. Greetz, Eddy Sterckx 04.11.10 4:17. 'HermanH' wrote on 00:55 GMT the message Interesting news, even if Harpoon is for me a 'terra incognita'.

I would like to recall a Japanese secret weapons story. I recently watched a documentation titled 'Samurai Sub' - five giant submarines each with three light bomber planes (stored with folded wings) and sufficient fuel to cross the ocean.

They surrendered to US forces and have been deliberately destroyed, as the Soviets requested their part. It was a TV doc on the German news TV N24, the site only provides a couple of sentences about the doc. But the program page has a link to the video and announces a further broadcasting today, 15:05-16:00 GMT. 'Samurai Subs' might become good stuff for whatif-scenarios (if they are new to Harpoon). Regards, PY PaulNey/at/ ERutins 05.11.10 7:06. Guys, I generally don't even bother replying to Harpoon threads here any longer. If you want to take Herman's word as gospel, feel free.

In the end, while he could have done a lot of good, what he has accomplished is to promote himself and harm the Harpoon community in the process. This doesn't help Harpoon and it won't help any other games he may involve himself with in the future either. Herman's bug lists are mainly self-promoting propaganda exercises. I didn't think so originally, it took a while of trying to work with him and work through his bug lists with AGSI to come to that conclusion. Many of the reported issues require unsupported third party databases or scenarios to create and many others simply reflect a stubborn unwillingness to accept that changes to the design do not constitute bugs.

We accept that the original ANW release was buggy, we accept that changes needed to be made, but once those changes were made and once the game clearly improved we couldn't help but notice that nothing changed as far as Herman was concerned. We've made many attempts to work with him to fix any real issues - the end result is the same.

I believe now that he doesn't actually want to help Harpoon, he wants to appear to help while continuing to promote his database (which has its own questionable history as far as the problems it caused in the community) as the only viable solution. I think he has also built up a heck of a grudge against AGSI over the years and I'm sure to some degree the feeling is mutual. I don't have a grudge against anyone in this whole story, but having heard all sides and tried to work with the involved parties I've concluded that I simply can't believe everything Herman says. Giftzwerg was upset with Harpoon back before we even released it, because he felt he deserved a free upgrade and AGSI did not offer one. Be that as it may, that was more than five years ago and should not have bearing on this latest release.

If you want to be fair, you could note that we are in fact providing the following for existing customers that purchased either H3ANW or HCE from us, both of which have had 3-4 years of free support to date since the original releases: 1. A new package that combines both games into one release at lower cost than the two previous releases combined and with a bonus 20 years of Harpoon releases for the collector. An upgrade discount from either previous release, that brings the cost of the combined package down below the cost of a single one of the previous releases, so you're effectively getting one of the games (HCE or H3ANW) for free. Free updates to the Ultimate Edition versions for previous owners, though these will be the last official updates for the previous releases, which is reasonable after 3-4 years of support post-release.

Regards, - Erik Giftzwerg 05.11.10 9:01. In article, says. Giftzwerg was upset with Harpoon back before we even released itbecause he felt he deserved a free upgrade and AGSI did not offer one.


Be that as it may, that was more than five years ago and should not have bearing on this latest release. Giftzwerg is upset because this is AGSI's li'l scam, and they've been milking it for years now; release some buggy shitware, wave a rubber chicken at the obvious, glaring bugs that everyone discovers immediately, assure everyone that the latest patch will fix things. Then release a new, full-boat price 'versions' of the same fucking shitware. Yeah, I bought - me stoopid - v3.63 many years ago.

This was after being sucked into paying $50 that V2 ADMIRAL'S EDITION that worked not at all. 3.63 was no better - chock full of showstoppers. AGSI's response? The just dropped it. Fuck off, customers, was their attitude - buy the next version and see if it's any better. After ANW came out, you graciously let me have a I couldn't even get through the.tutorial.

without encountering planes that failed to launch, planes that refused to attack, planes that refused to land, ships that refused to shoot back. It was a fucking travesty. So what's your theory here? That little Charlie 'Giftzwerg' Brown is going to pay $50 for the privilege of kicking that football again?

At this point, forget a free copy, even - you'd have me. to get me to try this awful shit again. Signed, Waiting For RED PILL - Giftzwerg. 'I fear very few will now listen to the new extremis. calling for a new civility of the sort he helped destroy with his offensive and polarizing slurs and smears the last month.'

Harpoon Ultimate Edition Torrent

- Victor Davis Hanson ERutins 05.11.10 11:38. FWIW, I went back to AGSI with those tutorial issues after you reported them and discovered that the old tutorial scenarios hadn't been updated in several builds and had broken along the way.

Completely unacceptable, so we fixed them. Those were updated and tested during the 3.9.x series of updates from what I recall.

If you have any desire to take another look, you don't even need to buy or be given a copy. Just apply the free 3.1.0 update once it's available and see if it's any better from your perspective. Regards, - Erik HermanH 05.11.10 13:39. On Nov 5, 8:06 am, ERutins wrote: Guys, I generally don't even bother replying to Harpoon threads here any longer. If you want to take Herman's word as gospel, feel free. That's just the point.No One. needs to take my word on anything.

And that's the difference between AGSI/Matrix and me. I will happily show anyone who cares to ask exactly how to replicate/find the bugs reported. Eddy recently asked who he could believe in a flame war. The simple answer is the side that doesn't need to say, 'Trust me.' In the end, while he could have done a lot of good, what he has accomplished is to promote himself and harm the Harpoon community in the process.

This doesn't help Harpoon and it won't help any other games he may involve himself with in the future either. Herman's bug lists are mainly self-promoting propaganda exercises. I didn't think so originally, it took a while of trying to work with him and work through his bug lists with AGSI to come to that conclusion. Many of the reported issues require unsupported third party databases or scenarios to create and many others simply reflect a stubborn unwillingness to accept that changes to the design do not constitute bugs. Another desperate attempt to blame your users for all Harpoon problems especially since so many of those CTDs, crashes, and other associated failures are all replicable in each and every database.

If you care to dispute this fact, go ahead and pick a few bugs from the current list of 209 and I'll show everyone how they appear in all databases. Why is Matrix / AGSI so deathly afraid of actually going through the list of reported bugs one at a time and fixing them? Could it be that they are unable/unwilling? See how you build credibility? You do everything in public.

No one needs to 'trust me'. (Or, more especially, you).

Even the official databases distributed by AGSI are a bug-filled mess. And, when this fact is reported to AGSI, the only response is, 'We'll look at it.' We accept that the original ANW release was buggy, we accept that changes needed to be made, but once those changes were made and once the game clearly improved we couldn't help but notice that nothing changed as far as Herman was concerned.

We've made many attempts to work with him to fix any real issues - the end result is the same. The only attempts made were bans, thread deletions, and bug lists that mysteriously disappeared. About par for the course when AGSI are involved.

HermanH 05.11.10 13:43. If you have any desire to take another look, you don't even need to buy or be given a copy. Just apply the free 3.1.0 update once it's available and see if it's any better from your perspective.

If Giftzy really wants to take this endeavour, my suggestion would be to use Herman's buglist: it is extremely easier to find bugs and they check that they do exist (under the.official database.) by using it. Sorry Erik, but you know what I do think about the matter. There is no 'soap opera' surrounding Harpoon, a game that a lot of us really would like to love. What there is, is a soapstorm raised by the simple fact that AGSI is unable/unwilling to fix game-breaking bugs - while being only a little better at the attempt to smear those who ARE TRYING TO HELP.

You banned Herman from Matrix's boards. But on the same boards people using their own time/money/internet space the game. are daily offended. What do you think that causes more damage?

A buglist any (serious) beta-tester would sell his family for, or letting people who contribute to a game being disparaged? I got an e-mail, some time ago, explaining to me how someone in the community was not to be trusted. It took me a whole five minutes to factually check the accusations and see that they were unfounded.

Maybe done in good faith, but unfounded. FIVE MINUTES to check - helped, maybe, by years of experience in unfounded accusations.

I'm not a fan of the people behind 'Red Pill', but if the people behind ANW don't get their act together Red Pill will mop the floor with them. Not that this will be a big achievement: it is easy to win when the other team, instead of entering the pitch, spends time whining about the 'lack of support' by the paying public.

Giftzwerg 05.11.10 16:39. I think that the guys at Matrix really regret they ever heard about AGSI and their game called Harpoon. Let's face it: they're stuck with those clowns as much as Harpoon gamers are. Matrix met clowns before, and they showed how they can become unstuck from them quite fast. My superficial opinion is that AGSI's desperate smokescreen is at least partially working. When you hear: 'Bug reports don't use the official database' when all of them actually do use it, and you can check this in ten minutes, my money is that 'Spin' is the only AGSi's division working. Giftzwerg 07.11.10 2:20.

In article, says. I've never used anything.except. the official database. Indeed, I can't imagine using some player mod in any game until I'd exhausted all the gameplay that came in the box.

Giftzwerg. 'Given that there are now 60-plus defeated Democrat House members urgently seeking jobs due to Nancy Pelosi's failed leadership, we welcome her decision to run for House Minority Leader based on her proven ability to create jobs for Republican lawmakers.'

- Ken Spain 08.11.10 1:06. That latest exchange between you and Mr Rutins has changed my mind somewhat. When it comes to Harpoon I now consider Matrix equally guilty of the shoddy state of that game. In general I’m becoming more and more disenchanted with pc wargames and the simply unprofessional way more and more publishers are treating their customers, this in sharp contrast to tabletop and boardgame publishers. The pc wargame world is a world where publishers think DRM and activation is good for business, where a particular publisher is charging people $5 for a Vista patch for a game they’re still advertizing for in a magazine, where half the games released are still really in the beta stage and where people who point out bugs in their games are made to shut up. In contrast to this: the past weekend we had the Crisis wargame convention and last year I had bought some blister packs with figs from a dealer there.


When I got around to painting them - about a month ago - one of them turned out to have a serious casting defect. So I took it to that same dealer this year and got a replacement instantly, no questions asked, no receipt needed, nada.

Some months ago a boardgame I bought turned out to have a piece missing. A simple mail to them and within 24 hours I had an apology and confirmation the piece was in the mail. Another boardgame I bought some time ago had a rules problem, I notified them by mail and it already got fixed in the newest version of the rules, available online. When you read the forums you can hardly fail to notice this undercurrent of grumbling customers, and I’m not just talking Harpoon here, which surely must have a correlation in dropping sales across the board. Here’s a message for them: it’s not just the economy, i.e.

A temporary fluctuation, that makes people cut back on their pc wargame buying habit, it’s because people are getting tired of being treated as a nuisance instead of as a valued customer. Now go ahead and tell me I’m wrong and that sales are stronger than ever and I’ll shut up, otherwise it might be a good time for some introspection on how you do business. Greetz, Eddy Sterckx HermanH 08.11.10 2:05. In article, says. 'Only bugs reported on Feb 29 of Leap Years will be fixed.

We Guarantee it!' I already went through with their idiocy once. No need to repeat it.

I'd give my left proverbial to get.paid. testers to do half the work you do for free. Mind boggling. Any company would. See - I know I've pointed this out before - they're not 'any' company. They don't have a product. IMO, they have a scam.

As I see it, the scam goes like this: (1) Release new version of HARPOON II - which is, after all, what this is. (2) Collect $60 from each buyer. (3) Ignore grunts of protest as the bugs become evident. (4) Simultaneously (a) send fanboys to forums to suggest that either the bugs aren't really bugs, or the player should be using some 3rd party 'database' or other, or the complainer / complaint is invalid and (b) assert patch ZP-17 will fix it all up. (5) Swat ineffectually at bugs, then release patch ZP-17.

(6) Repeat steps 3-5 for patches ZP-18, ZP-19, and ZP-20. (7) Announce: COMING SOON! HARPOON3 V.(previousVersion) (8) GOTO (1) I dunno about anyone else, but I fail to see where 'testers' - paid or otherwise - fit into the scheme.

'Testers' are only useful if your goal is to find and fix issues with software, with the aim of releasing a useful, working product. Is.that. their goal? Has it ever been? - Giftzwerg. 'Given that there are now 60-plus defeated Democrat House members urgently seeking jobs due to Nancy Pelosi's failed leadership, we welcome her decision to run for House Minority Leader based on her proven ability to create jobs for Republican lawmakers.' - Ken Spain Frank E 08.11.10 4:13.

On Sat, 6 Nov 2010 15:52:59 -0700 (PDT), ' wrote: I think that the guys at Matrix really regret they ever heard about AGSI and their game called Harpoon. Let's face it: they're stuck with those clowns as much as Harpoon gamers are. I don't know for how many years this drama has been going on but if that were the truth, then at some point along the way they could have dropped Harpoon. If this thing had been going on for 6 months to a year I might buy that arguement but as it stands, I'm calling BS. Rgds, Frank 08.11.10 4:25. On 8 nov, 13:13, Frank E wrote: On Sat, 6 Nov 2010 15:52:59 -0700 (PDT), ' wrote: I think that the guys at Matrix really regret they ever heard about AGSI and their game called Harpoon. Let's face it: they're stuck with those clowns as much as Harpoon gamers are.

I don't know for how many years this drama has been going on but if that were the truth, then at some point along the way they could have dropped Harpoon. If this thing had been going on for 6 months to a year I might buy that arguement but as it stands, I'm calling BS.

Read my latest post. I'm calling BS on it myself now. Benefit of the doubt only goes so far. Greetz, Eddy Sterckx ERutins 08.11.10 9:58. On Mon, 8 Nov 2010 11:23:50 -0800 (PST), HermanH wrote: On Nov 8, 10:58 am, ERutins wrote: I'd give my left proverbial to get.paid. testers to do half the work you do for free. Mind boggling.

I sincerely hope you are never 'blessed' with a tester like this. Believe me, if I were on the outside looking in, I'd probably agree with all of you. But the perspective from where I sit and from what I've seen is quite different. Regards- Erik Another perfect example of the 'Trust me. I have secret info!'

That's why I only deal with publicly available sources that can be independently verified. And why readers of this newsgroup come to a different conclusion when watching the shady actions undertaken by AGSI and Matrix. There's also the fact that it seems every reader of this NG who's bought an AGSI version of Harpoon has something bad to say about the game, the matrix forums and/or the developer. Even IF we dismissed you as a crank, it wouldn't change anything from my perspective. So, once again, I'll ask: 'Which bug(s).specifically. are you unable to replicate?'

I took a look a look at the list that you posted earlier. I'd be curious to hear what Eric has to say about just the first bug on that list. Is it really possible to shoot down satellites with AA guns?

Rgds, Frank Dylan Ryan 08.11.10 13:26. On Nov 8, 3:33 pm, Frank E wrote: On Mon, 8 Nov 2010 11:23:50 -0800 (PST), HermanH The orbital AAA guns bug has been on the list since the beginning of the project. I know because I entered it and submitted it to AGSI on one of the first bug lists years ago. The slant on that one is the satellites aren't actually satellites but aircraft objects modified to be satellites (aka named) thus a legal target for the AAA guns.

Harpoon Ultimate Edition Torrent

The other issue is that there doesn't seem to be a max altitude enforced. The other entry which Herman hasn't copied into his version was to incorporated satellite object types into the game instead of having to model them with existing object types. Same deal for mines and several other types of units.

Pc Game Harpoon 4

Tnx HermanH 08.11.10 15:10. On Nov 8, 1:33 pm, Frank E wrote: On Mon, 8 Nov 2010 11:23:50 -0800 (PST), HermanH This 'AA guns vs. Satellites' was always more of a game limitation than real bug.

However, I will try and save you some of the effort. It appears as though this is fixed/changed! In my testing of HUE, I found that the gun altitude can now be limited. It was never a big problem in the past, but this new feature appears to be working as claimed. I am simply awaiting the release of the official Patches to confirm that this is indeed true before publishing the revised list of ANW Issues. In the past, AGSI has released one version only to release a second (different/broken) version a few days later. I'm not going to fall for that stunt, again.:-D I have no problem reporting when things are actually fixed.

That's because I am honest and actually test the game. If things are fixed, I'll tell everyone. If things aren't fixed, I'll tell everyone. Get the point, AGSI/Matrix? Dimensional Traveler 08.11.10 18:27. On 9 nov, 07:59, 'Vincenzo Beretta' wrote: The other entry which Herman hasn't copied into his version You failed to raise your awareness antenna, didn't you?:o) From my perspective the Harpoon 'community' is more like a pond of piranhas - all out to get each other - oh, and that little Herman fish too, but he's too fast & clever:) Anyway, what is recommended about this game is the manual which is now available to all here: It has some production problems with reduced screenshots being illegible, but I really got engrossed in reading all the neat stuff it has on modern naval warfare. Greetz, Eddy Sterckx Vincenzo Beretta 09.11.10 11:41.

On Fri, 5 Nov 2010 07:06:55 -0700 (PDT), ERutins wrote: 1. A new package that combines both games into one release at lower cost than the two previous releases combined and with a bonus 20 years of Harpoon releases for the collector.

An upgrade discount from either previous release, that brings the cost of the combined package down below the cost of a single one of the previous releases, so you're effectively getting one of the games (HCE or H3ANW) for free. Free updates to the Ultimate Edition versions for previous ownersthough these will be the last official updates for the previous releases, which is reasonable after 3-4 years of support post-release. Regards- Erik HarpoonII is so old now that it should be selling on for $4.99 and not a penny more. HermanH 20.11.10 11:45. On Nov 5, 11:38 am, ERutins wrote: FWIW, I went back to AGSI with those tutorial issues after you reported them and discovered that the old tutorial scenarios hadn't been updated in several builds and had broken along the way. Completely unacceptable, so we fixed them. Those were updated and tested during the 3.9.x series of updates from what I recall.

If you have any desire to take another look, you don't even need to buy or be given a copy. Just apply the free 3.1.0 update once it's available and see if it's any better from your perspective. Regards - Erik Looks like yet another paying customer calling BS on this claim of testing by Matrix. Good to hear that I'm not the only one who keeps finding these things.

HermanH 20.11.10 11:46. Current state of Harpoon Ultimate Edition After 3.7.0 release: 080 Issues reported After 3.8.0 Patch: (080 Issues - 34 Fixed + 88 New) = 134 Issues After 3.9.0 Patch: (134 Issues - 31 Fixed + 68 New) = 171 Issues After 3.9.2 Patch: (171 Issues - 15 Fixed + 35 New) = 191 Issues After 3.9.3 Patch: (191 Issues - 19 Fixed + 15 New) = 187 Issues After 3.9.4 Patch: (187 Issues - 46 Fixed + 68 New) = 209 Issues After 3.10. Release: (209 Issues - 71 Fixed + 95 New) = 233 Issues A comprehensive third-party list of 233. Known Harpoon ANW Issues has been exhaustively collected on HarPlonkHQ since the release of Harpoon ANW 3.7.0 Now that 3.10 has been released, the list has been checked to see what has changed. On Nov 4, 12:20 am, ' wrote: On Nov 4, 1:55 am, HermanH wrote: Harpoon Ultimate Edition is released You got a buglist yet?:) GreetzEddy Sterckx 23.12.10 23:43.

On 23 dec, 23:19, HermanH wrote: Current state of Harpoon Ultimate Edition After 3.7.0 release: 080 Issues reported After 3.8.0 Patch: (080 Issues - 34 Fixed + 88 New) = 134 Issues After 3.9.0 Patch: (134 Issues - 31 Fixed + 68 New) = 171 Issues After 3.9.2 Patch: (171 Issues - 15 Fixed + 35 New) = 191 Issues After 3.9.3 Patch: (191 Issues - 19 Fixed + 15 New) = 187 Issues After 3.9.4 Patch: (187 Issues - 46 Fixed + 68 New) = 209 Issues After 3.10. Release: (209 Issues - 71 Fixed + 95 New) = 233 Issues Their score is improving! Uh, wait-a-sec.:) Greetz, Eddy Sterckx.