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Bengali Font For Anandabazar Patrika

Bengali Font For Anandabazar Patrika Rating: 8,1/10 6314 reviews

Read Anandabazar Patrika online, আনন্দবাজার পত্রিকা, Anondobazar potrika, Anandobajar potrika, patrika, Ananda bazar Newspaper. India's leading Bangla newspaper brings to you the latest news, breaking news, daily news of India & worldwide. Read today's breaking news in Bengali now!

  1. Bengali Font For Windows

Prafulla Chandra Sarkar was founder of the newspaper, who served as the editor also. It became very popular instantly for its deep patriotic fervor. As per a survey conducted by National Readership Survey in the year 2006 the total readership of the newspaper is 72,95,000, while in Kolkata it is 30,61,000. According to the survey of Audit Bureau of Circulations the total circulation of the newspaper is 12,67,172. Three editions of Anandabazar Patrika are published from the three Indian metropolitan cities of Calcutta, Delhi and Mumbai. During the six days of the week, it has divided the state into six parts district- North Bengal (Malda, Jalpaiguri, South and North Dinajpur, Cooch Behar, Darjeeling), South Bengal (, Howrah, North and South 24 Parganas and Hoogly, Bankura-Birbhum-Purulia, -Murshidabad), Burdwan, Midnapore.

Four days a week tabloids are published for Kolkata and its adjoining areas namely South Calcutta, Howrah, North Calcutta, and East Calcutta. The newspaper edition is also available on the Internet. A city supplement on the capital city of Kolkata is also provided and a Patrika on Saturdays. On Sundays you get the Rabibashoriyo, Prastuti is published on alternate Mondays.


You may know that one cannot read (ABP) the largest Bengali newspaper from India, using any of the modern browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Opera, and others (only exception is Microsoft IE). This is because Anandabazar has failed to adopt the international standard for digital Bangla namely the even in 2010. I am launching a petition site with a live Unicode proxy that demonstrates — Anandabazar Patrika can be read not only in all modern browsers but also in mobiles phones, if they care to adopt the international standard. On Actually, Unicode is the industry standard. Microsoft supports Unicode Bangla out-of-the-box in Windows Vista onward (not even font installation is required). So its not really a free software issue but I agree that it does affect the users of free softwares.

Bengali Font For Windows

It should be mentioned that Unicode is also the government standard declared by both Union of India as well as the state of West Bengal. The problem seems to be that Anandabazar online edition is run by people who are not technically competent with modern language technology.

Bengali Font For Anandabazar Patrika

Otherwise, it would be unimaginable that a business house would want to reduce their profit by spending 3-4 times more on bandwidth than needed. Please see the second table for the comparison of data usage. On প্রণয় কুমার সরকার আপনি যে বিষয়টি তুলে ধরেছেন সেজন্য আমি আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ জানাচ্ছি এবং আপনার এধরনের যেকোন পদক্ষেপে রইল পূর্ণ সমর্থন। বেশ কিছুদিন আগে আনন্দবাজার সম্পাদককে এব্যাপারে একটি চিঠি লিখেছিলাম জানিনা তিনি পেয়েছেন কিনা অথবা পেলেও গুরুত্ব দিয়েছেন কিনা। আসলে এদের মানসিকতা ভীষণভাবেই মান্ধাতা আমলের। পৃথিবী সামনে এগিয়ে যাচ্ছে অথচ আনন্দবাজার সেই আদিম যুগে পড়ে আছে। ঈশ্বর আনন্দবাজার কর্তৃপক্ষকে সুমতি দিন। আপনি আমার নামকে বিনা দ্বিধায় আপনার যেকোন প্রচেষ্ঠার সাথে সংযুক্ত করতে পারেন। শুভেচ্ছান্তে- প্রণয় কুমার সরকার।. On Manojkumar D Girish ‎ আনন্দবাজার পত্রিকার ওয়েবসাইটে মতামত জানানোর যে ব্যবস্থা আছে আমি ‎সেখানে অনেক দিন আগেই দুবার লিখেছিলাম যে এটি বাংলা ইউনিকোড ফন্টে ‎প্রকাশ করা হোক৤ কিন্তু কোনও হেলদোল দেখিনি৤ এমনকী আনন্দবাজার তার ‎ইমেল ঠিকানা অবধি প্রকাশ করে না৤ কিছু লিখে পাঠাতে হলে সুবিধে হয় তা ‎হলে৤ ইউনিকোডের ব্যাপারে আনন্দবাজার পত্রিকা যে পিছিয়ে আছে তা ‎মানতে হবে৤ আমার নিজের তৈরি একটি বাংলা ইউনিকোড ফন্ট আছে, আর তা ‎বিনামূল্যে ডাউনলোড করাও যায়৤ আমার করা একাধিক ব্লগে তার লিংক দেওয়া ‎আছে৤ দেখুন ‎ মনোজকুমার দ.

গিরিশ কোলকাতা ‎. On debottam I am able to view the site in both Opera 9.62 and 10.54. I think it’s using Java as it does with the old Netscape 4 browser. My Java version is 1.6. OS is WinXPSP2. I do customize my browser extensively.


But I didn’t do anything particular for this issue. But as Golam mentioned, I guess ABP is finally getting it right. Running a website in 2010 that works only in a 9 year old and totally pathetic browser and providing the content that has to be decoded at runtime by using an equally archaic ActiveX plugin. And all these when the solution was right at hand since the very beginning. I can’t think anything lamer than that.

But of course I know the reason. I guess we all know. To stop people from copying their content. You can save a unicoded page and view it later but the same can’t be done with their non-standard content. So I can’t really blame them. Anyway it’s a relief to see that I am not alone who feels like this. Thanks Guys 🙂.

On Shantanu Sinha Solid idea, solid rational. Reading ABP is like feeling connected with own soil for many of us. And as IE gives regular tantrums or sometime mobile phone being the available media tool (on travel) sometime reading ABP is a challenging task which it shouldn’t be. We Bengali, are helping many organisations to continuously upgrade their systems with cutting edge technology and our very own ABP still struggling on a decade old method to be accessible to us is really embarrassing.

Shantanu Sinha, Application Archietect, Belgium. On Preeti Comparing Sangbaad Pratidin, the Bengali Statesman and some other newspapers ABP is grossly biased in its distribution of news, frontpage stories and is just a stinkingly rich commercial business which tries to monopolize. Their website is not at all popular whatever fake stats may be there. And really no one bothers how they serve their news except perhaps a very few who has signed for this “movment” Rather the movement should be ‘quit ABP’. To see how you are missing on the real news take a look daily at the following daiies just for 7 days. and many more such unbiased and upfront bengali papers. PS: since there is lot of web reading on mobile and unicode is still not supported universally on the already available handsets the image format still makes more sense.

On Chinmoy Chattopadhyay Anandabazar Patrika is now considered to be an international daily on which all bengali people depend irrespective of the fact whether they study any other daily. Anandabazar itself says “porte hoy noile pichhiye porte hoy”.

So if you want people to read it, you must keep it at people’s elbow. This suggestion of updating the font according to modern updates, is really praise worthy and I support it from the core of my heart. Thanks a lot for providing this unicode. Thanks again. On Arunasis Adhikari “Anandabazar Patrika” allways supported the change (Paribartan) and always tells that “Parte hoi noile pichiye porte hoi” but they are realy in last bench in using Technology. After so many request haven’t tried to change anything. If Anandabazar is really in support for a change then at first they should change themselve.

This change will help them to reach all “Prabasi Bangali”. And the no of these people is huge now. So, Anandabazar Change yourself and adopt unicode bangla which will help you and offcourse us. On Krishnendu Hi GMH, (I am not sure you ok with this short form) I am mainly interest abt the technology. And whatever I have understood that this Unicode and proxy work like this way: Org ABP server —— Unicode and proxy ————- Client Client mainly first access the “Unicode and proxy” through this web site. Then proxy fetch the correspondence page from “Org ABP Server”. Then change the font by “Unicode and proxy” and send it to the client.

Please modify if I hv think differently. I think these are the disadvantage of this kind of approach: 1.Entire client access the “Unicode and proxy” which maintain by you. Therefore if at a particular time a huge client try to access the proxy, the proxy may be flooded. And you need to recover manually. 2.If another popular Bengali site come into picture.

Bengali font for windows

Then you need to modify some code in file to add the functionality. Therefore I have proposed to add this code as a plugin in the web browser. 1.No need to manage one proxy. 2.Any type of Bengali site can support that thing. I am waiting for your valuable suggestion.

Thanks, Krish. On HI Krish, Yes, it works more or less the same way as you have guessed. As you have said, one could do the same in browser plugin and there is a Firefox plugin named Padma to do so. It supports ABP and others since 2006.

Both approaches have their pros and cons. However, writing plugins for different browsers aren’t that easy. In particular, have you tried writing a plugin for the browsers in different mobile phones? In any case, the aim of this proxy to urge ABP to use Unicode and it’s certainly not aiming to provide ABP readers another choice (at least not for long). On Rajeswar Nice effort and beautiful. While useing Padma addon,some text are not properly rendered.But it is flawless. Another thing I want to mention that,currently The original site is affected by malware.Please don’t visit that page if you don’t have sufficient protection.

I sent mail to them previously using the feedback form,but they seems not to care or nobody reads the feedback. Right now google also blocked the site.You can read diagnostic re report here. If somebody can contact,please tell them to clean up the site. On আনন্দবাজার আগের তুলনায় অনেক সহজে পড়া যাচ্ছে। সুন্দর ও পরিষ্কার পরিচ্ছন্ন হয়েছে পত্রিকার পাতা। আপনাদের উদ্যোগের সাধুবাদ জানাই। এই প্রসঙ্গে আর একটা অনুরোধ, পত্রিকায় কোন লেখা গল্প বা ফিচার পাঠাতে হলে আজও কাগজে লিখে পাঠাতে হয়, বাই পোস্ট। এটাকে বদলানো যায় না? যে কোন লেখা যদি unicode বা pdf ফরম্যাটে পাঠানো হয়, সেটা অন স্ক্রিন দেখে নেওয়া সম্ভব। মনোনীত হলে print out, নচেৎ DELETE.- e-mail-এ ছোট্ট উত্তর,- সরি আপনার লেখাটা দাঁড়ায় নি। আমার মনে হয় অনেক কাগজ (পরিবেশ সংরক্ষণ) আর সময় বেঁচে যেত। এটা ভেবে দেখলে – বাধিত হবো। বিশেষ করে আমরা যারা পঃ বঃ র বাইরে অনেক দূরে – remote area তে থাকি, আমাদের লেখা পাঠানোর সাধ হয় – কিন্তু সাত পাঁচ ভেবে আর সাধ্য হয় না। শুভেচ্ছা ও নমস্কারান্তে.