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Lectra System Modaris V6 Software Development

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What are the advantage of CAD compare to manual in Garment? Ans: By cad system we can save Fabric, Labor Cost, Time Save & get 100% accuracy. By which function we normally create actual pattern? Ans: F1 = Bezier. In which function we can extract process from block pattern?

Ans: F4= seam 4. By which function we can see nested pattern? Ans: F12 & F9 5.

Modaris v6

By which function we can copy bottom grading into chest? Ans: F6 = Report Y 6. How we can call required Ans: select = required size 7. How to select measurement in inch (In diamino)? Ans: Start menu = Program = Lectra System = Lectra admin = e-manager = unit of measurement = Imperial (Metric for meter) 8.

How to input correct buyer name? Ans: File = Access Path modification = input buyer name in 1st row = Blue arrow down = Red arrow down. Write how to create size table 112, 116, 120, 122, 126, 134, 135, 137, 138, 150 where 134 is basic size. Ans: Open text document in the size folder = Open it = numeric 112 4 120 2 122 4 126 8.134 1 135 2 137 1 138 12 150. File = Save as = Input File Name = 112- 4-120-2-122-4-126-8-b134-1-135-2-137-1-138-12-150 = press ok. After finish pattern creation, under LAYER how to see the help line only without pattern?

Ans: Layers: Visualize- Construction (ok), - Base (Nil) Work: Construction (ok), Base (Nil). By which function we can correct curve measurement? Ans: F3 = Lengthen (If modify then F3 = reshape). By which function we normally create actual pattern? Ans: F3 = Bezier (If help line, F2 = rectangle). By which function we can extract pieces from block pattern?

Ans: F4=Seam 14. By which function we can see posted pattern? Collection note template. Ans: F12 & F9 15. By which function we can copy bottom grading into chest? Ans: F6=Report Y 16.

After grading done how to see only one particular size? Ans: Selection=Select particular size= F9 from key board 17.

In Grading process of following pattern, please mention the name of grading (say bottom etc) of each point & mention its type (DDX or DDY) of grading. Ans: Name of point Grading type Grading role 1. Bottom point ddx 2. Chest point ddx 3. Arm hole point ddy Shoulder ddx 4.

Shoulder tip ddx total shoulder 5. Neck point ddy 18. How to input fabric width 57.25 inch? Ans: New = Width = 57.8 19.

In which mode is used for gap between pattern pieces? Ans: Mode = Plus mode. Where to input ratio in marker? Ans: Quantity = column. Where we can instruct overlapping pattern pieces? Ans: Moving tolerance.

How to put value if we want to placed pattern peaces within ½’’ gap? Ans: Global spacing = 16 (8 for.25 inch, 16 for.5, 32 for 1 inch) 23. How to input measurement unit in inch in diamino? Ans: Start menu = Program = Lectra system = Lectra admin = E-Manager =Unit of measurement In Imperial (Inch)/ Metric (Meter).

What is the value of global spacing for solid colour f abric? Ans: For solid colour fabric the value of global spacing is (0). By which function we do biased on pattern? Ans: Key 3 for anti clock wise biased, Key 9 for clock wise biased. Where we give value or authorize for doing biased in pattern? Ans: Fine rotation = Round.

Where we put value for horizontal repeat 1- ½’’ and vertical repeat 1”? Ans: Step – Horizontal – 48, Vertical- 32. By which function we do overlapping or jumping of pattern?

Ans: Shift + F11+ Arrow key. How to small display scale or working zone?

Ans: Both way arrow key = Click on mouse right button. How to increase display scale/ working zone? Ans: Both way arrow key = simultaneously press both mouse button. How to take a point from 10cm away of reference point? Ans: F1 = Add point = Click on reference point = Give value on length field (10cm) =.disadvantages of using CAD Advantages. Can be more accurate than hand-drawn designs - it reduces human error. You can save and edit ideas, which makes it easier and cheaper to modify your design as you go along.

You can modify existing ideas, which saves time. Disadvantages. The software itself can be expensive so initial costs are high. There are free software packages though. Staff need to be trained how to use the software, which also adds to costs. Requires a PC.

A few advantages of 2D CAD: Reduced design timescales. Reuse of designs. Drawing errors can be corrected easily.

Drawings can be sent/received via email in seconds. Disadvantages: Time & cost of implementing the CAD system Time & cost of training people to use the CAD. Time & cost of migrating legacy drawings into CAD format If you compare the use of 3D CAD against drawing borard draughting. The list of disadvantages pretty much stays the same, whilst the list of advantages grows further. Advantages of 3D CAD: More stylish /complex products can be designed using 3D surfacing. Parametric modelling allows many design itterations to be generated & evaluated quickly.

Designs can be analysed and optimised virtually using finite element analysis. 649 Words 3 Pages.TRICHY -621105 DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AUT PRACTICAL EXAMINATIONS, OCT–2011 RECORD NOTE BOOK CS1403 - SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT LABORATORY Student Name: Register Number: Class & Semester: 2008-2012, B.Tech., IT, VII - Semester Month & Year: OCT - 2011 1 ONLINE AIR TICKET RESERVATION SYSTEM, MAMCET, 2008IT 2 ONLINE AIR TICKET RESERVATION SYSTEM, MAMCET, 2008IT M.A.M. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY TRICHY -621105 DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AUT PRACTICAL EXAMINATIONS, OCT–2011 BONAFIDE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that this practical work titled CS1403 – Software Development Laboratory is the bonafide work of Register Number during the academic year 2011-2012.

Faculty Incharge Head of the Department Submitted for Anna University of Technology, examination held on // Tiruchirappalli practical at M.A.M. College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy – 621105. Internal Examiner External Examiner 3 ONLINE AIR TICKET RESERVATION SYSTEM, MAMCET, 2008IT ABSTRACT The project Online Air Ticket Reservation System helps any airline to maintain the passenger information.

AMS is mainly focus on the basic information about ticket reservation. Ticket Reservation is widely used software bus transport, train transport and air transport.

Now a day’s all. 4834 Words 38 Pages. It represents the set of programs that govern the operation of a computer system and make the hardware run. Computer software contrasts with computer hardware, which is the physical component of computers. It uses the computer system to perform useful work or provide entertainment functions beyond the basic operation of the computer itself. System Customized. To change (something) in order to fit the needs or requirements of a person, business, etc.

Errors Cash flows. Is the movement of money into or out of a business, project, or financial product.

It is usually measured during a specified, limited period of time. Measurement of cash flow can be used for calculating other parameters that give information on a company's value and situation. Cash flow notion is based loosely on cash flow statement accounting standards. It's flexible as it can refer to time intervals spanning over past-future. It can refer to the total of all flows involved or a subset of those flows.

Subset terms include net cash flow, operating cash flow and free cash flow. An agreement, communication, or movement carried out between a buyer and a seller to exchange an asset for payment Cooperatives. Is an autonomous association of persons who voluntarily cooperate for their mutual social, economic, and cultural benefit.1 Cooperatives include non-profit community organizations and businesses that are owned and managed by the people who use its.

469 Words 3 Pages. Computer in business Name Institution Database Software The acquisition of database software for business information management is a source of business leverage in the ever competitive business environment. The management of business information is made possible by the acquisition of efficient database software. Database software is the term that refers to the computer program that helps to enter, update, organize, retrieve, and report information held in a computer database. Among the commonly used database software for personal computers and server database include Microsoft Access, Open Office Base, Filemaker Pro, MySQL, and Oracle.

The benefits of using computer-based database are considerable. Without database software, it would be difficult to find a respectable system of managing information. Companies have varied use of comprehensive and accurate databases. Businesses maintain databases of customers, vendors, supplies, inventories, service requests, product orders and employees. Database software that assists a business to handle important function of a data type and provide appropriate data analysis methods is an essential tool of management.

Their user-friendliness and flexibility has made database software crucial business component (Ambler, 2012). Database software store data as a series of records each holding. 1270 Words 7 Pages.where necessary. Deliverable format and software to be used are according to your instructor’s specifications. Deliverables should be neatly packaged in a binder, separated with a tab divider labeled “Milestone 9” and accompanied with a Milestone Evaluation Sheet.

Lectra Modaris Pattern Design Software

Lectra modaris pattern design software

References: Export Production Information Narrative Exhibit 9.1 Templates See on-line learning center website for the textbook. Deliverables: Physical Data Flow Diagram: Due: // Time: Milestone’s Point Value: Exhibit 9.1 Enter Component Information Narrative To add a component to a piece of equipment a technician will use a web browser and go to the URL of the ASP.NET page for the Customer Response System.

If the technician has not already logged on for this session, the system will require that the technician logon. Once the logon is verified, the system will present an ASP.NET page with a choice of clients using an HTML select object. Once the client is selected, the system will present a list of equipment for that client with hyperlinks. The technician will click on the hyperlink for the appropriate piece of equipment. The system will present an ASP.NET page with the component input form with inputs for Component ( using an HTML select object that is filled in with choices from the ComponentType table), Quantity ( using an HTML textbox. 582 Words 3 Pages.requirements for the system and design and build it.

After three years, the system was not delivered and the contract with the vendor was cancelled. The Dutch railways then called upon a vendor, Xebia corporation, to build the system using the Scrum technique of systems development.

Xebia had considerable experience in Agile methods of system development and had a team that included experienced Scrum masters and programmers. A particular challenge was that Xebia wanted to include programmers from different countries to complete the task – the programmers team included members from The Netherlands and India. From the outset, the development team had several challenges to overcome. The first was that of having a member of the Dutch railways who was senior enough to take important decisions, and also had a deep understanding of the problem domain, be a part of the Scrum development effort.

This is a key requirement for the Scrum to proceed. As there was no such person available, the Xebia team settled with two systems analysts who had worked with the earlier vendor and knew the domain. They had a manager from the client visit the Scrum meetings occasionally; however, this was not the best solution. The second challenge was that of including Indian software engineers in the team, who could not speak Dutch and who had to work intensively with the development teams. They were flown down from India to participate in the initial sprint (one leg of the.

1067 Words 3 Pages.however, long delays can happen. The source and destination terminal need not be compatible, since conversions are done by the message switching networks. A message switch is “transactional”. It can store data or change its format and bit rate, then convert the data back to their original form or an entirely different form at the receive end.

Message switching multiplexes data from different sources onto a common facility. A message switch is a one of the switching technology. In message switching, when a message consists of a block of data to be sent, it is stored in the first switching office (i.e. Router) and then forwarded later, one hop at a time. Each block is received in its entirety, inspected and later retransmitted.

A network using this technique is referred to as a store-and-forward network. 1. 948 Words 4 Pages.11 Tips for Using Flip Charts More Effectively by Lenny Laskowski © 1996 LJL Seminars While everyone seems to be interested in creating high-tech computer generated presentations, the flip chart still continues to be the most effective presentation media of all. One should not assume that investing a lot of money in high tech visual aids & equipment will 'make' your presentation.

The best visuals have been and still are the simplest. Remember, the purpose of using visual aids is to enhance your presentation, not upstage it.

Since most presentations are delivered before small groups of 35 people or less, the flip chart is the perfect size. I feel the flip chart will continue to be the workhorse of most training seminars. There are several advantages of using a flip chart. Here are just a few: 1.

Flip charts do not need electricity - You don't need to worry if the bulb will burn out or worry that you forgot the extension chord. Flip charts are economical - They do not require you to use any special films or printers to produce them.

Lectra System Modaris V6 Software Development

Color can be added very easily - An inexpensive box of flip chart markers allows you all the creativity you want. Flip charts allow spontaneity - Any last minute changes can be easily made. In today's world of high tech computers, fancy software and sophisticated infomercials, many presenters today feel they have to create a presentation. 1012 Words 3 Pages POPULAR ESSAYS.

Lectra Modaris

Lectra, the world leader in integrated technology solutions dedicated to industries using soft materials — textiles, leather, industrial fabrics, and composite materials — is pleased to present Modaris ® V7, the latest version of its apparel pattern-making and grading software solution, now with fully-integrated 3D prototyping technology developed by Lectra. Present at CISMA from September 27 to 30, 2011, in Shanghai (China), Lectra combines the latest technology with fashion know-how to streamline apparel development. “Modaris is currently the most widely used apparel pattern-making and grading software in the world. It is the standard among major French and Italian luxury brands but has also been readily adopted by different types of fashion and apparel companies around the globe,” said Daniel Harari, Lectra CEO. “A pioneer in the fashion industry for over 40 years, Lectra has invested in researching and developing a 3D virtual prototyping solution adapted to the world of fashion. Modaris V7 puts 3D technology at the heart of style development and helps fashion companies optimize the conception phase of their collections, essential to ensuring profitability and competitiveness,” said Daniel Harari, Lectra CEO.

Consistent fit is a key differentiator for brands competing to cement customer loyalty. Using 3D as a common language is a true alternative to manual prototyping for accelerating product development and improving fit. With Modaris V7, patterns can be drafted and then seen in 3D in a specific fabric right away. Any onscreen adjustments are then directly applied to the flat pattern. Modifications are visible in real time, in both flat and 3D modes. This interactive process significantly reduces prototyping costs and development time while giving companies the control and flexibility they need to make decisions as quickly as possible and stay ahead of the market. This is particularly impactful for companies that must closely regulate schedules and costs, while catering to consumers with diverse morphologies.

Modaris and its 3D Technology is so effective that early adopters report being able to reduce the number of physical samples by half or more. In some cases, this means producing just one prototype for each garment.

Modaris is also valuable during the decision-making stage when companies are choosing whether a product goes into production. Highly solicited by major Italian brands, the Italy-based pattern development company Prontomodel reported reducing the number of physical samples by 50% or more with Modaris. “This is so effective that we now only create one physical prototype of each garment because the pattern has been so perfected virtually,” said owner Massimiliano Trambaioli.

Modaris V7 combines the best of pattern-making, draping, and sampling all in one seamless digital process. A silhouette can be combined with fabrics, trims, colors, and logos to preview style and proportion in any size. This gives companies the ability to ensure a more accurate fit in all sizes and guarantee better overall product quality.

“Being able to show prototypes to buyers and designers before any samples are produced saves time and money, and together we can make right decisions early in the process,” explained Lotta Silow, pattern maker coordinating manager for the Swedish retail brand KappAhl. About Lectra Lectra is the world leader in integrated technology solutions that automate, streamline and accelerate product design, development and manufacturing processes for industries using soft materials. Lectra develops the most advanced specialized software and cutting systems and provides associated services to a broad array of markets including fashion (apparel, accessories, footwear), automotive (car seats and interiors, airbags), furniture, as well as a wide variety of other market sectors, such as aeronautical and marine industries, wind power and personal protective equipment. Lectra serves 23,000 customers in more than 100 countries with 1,350 employees and $252 million in 2010 revenues. The company is listed on NYSE Euronext. For more information, please visit Link Download Lectra Modaris V7.