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Review Of Xlri Satellite Programs

Review Of Xlri Satellite Programs Rating: 6,3/10 2134 reviews

Career with XLRI. My work at XLRI has. XLRI Faculty Review Committee: 2016- Present. Faculty Representation, 1 st Annual Satellite Programs Convocation. Posts about XLRI Sattelite Course written. It had lectures and contact programs. XLRI, xlri jamshedpur pgcbm review, XLRI PGCBM, XLRI Satellite Course, XLRI. In order to satisfy the thirst for knowledge of executives, XLRI has evolved a 12 months consolidated program in 'Human Resource Management'. The program aims to.

I’ve completed my course in June 2009 and am awaiting results. The Begining I was looking for some management education that would add value to my overal profile while I continue to work. Lokesh, I am currently doing this course primarily for knowledge perspective but some how I feel that the value initially perceived about course has been deteriorated. I am puzzled because of course coverage, in most of the topic I feel that only introductions are given or covered, leaving students in between somewhere. I ma not sure that it happens in same way in regular course. Second examination is a challenge at Hughes Platform, there are people who are not serious and rely on copying. In this case I can not find a reason of low pass percentage.

Looking for your feedback on exam pattern and seriousness of centre. Warm Regards Rakesh. Hey Rakesh, thanks for your comment. You have a valid point regarding the course coverage under the new curicullum. We had 2-3 additional lectures for each subject when compared to the present batches. As the topics were discussed a bit more than just introduction during our batch, they are bound to be just introduced in the present batches (I guess so).

Also, the coverage may also depend on the faculty. Some faculties may want to give more weightage to discussion than the total coverage.

However, some faculties will concentrate on more coverage. In case you want to learn more about a particular topic, write to the professors. They will respond with recommendations about further reading. They may also share some nice articles with you.

Their response may be delayed, but that’s acceptable as they have to teach to so many different batches. Regarding malpractices during examinations: even we had certain centers that were blacklisted due to copying. Best strategy is to write to the TA about the issue and about the negligence of the center co-ordinator. I completed the course on the Reliance platform wherein, at later stages, exams were give live on camera. That is, there was a coordinator at Jamshedpur who kept monitoring various centers.

However, even that is not foolproof. Best strategy is to write to the college and complain. In addition, you may have some free riders during project submissions. I had a couple in my center. Initially we submitted some projects as a group, but later we didn’t include their names in the project and complained about them to the TA. As a result, they had to submit seperate assignments or were given zero marks.

I hope this helps. Dear Lokesh, Would you advise this course for people who are already MBAs? Is this course recognized by the industry (even if it is from a long-term perspective) since it is NOT A REGULAR 2-YEAR ON-CAMPUS RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM? Have you been able to compare the content of the course offered by XLRI vis-a-vis what is offered by the IIMs? If so, what is the edge in XLRI’s PGCBM? You may revert to my query on my e-mail ID: Looking forward to your reply at the earliest. Thanking you in anticipation.

Warm Regards. Hi Lokesh, i searched more dan 200+ sites just to collect comments on the course. I have few queries. 1) WHat are the questions being asked in selection time. 2) Is reliance better than Hughes net or viceversa 3) I am not working since 1 yr but have 4.5 yrs work exp from MNC like Accenture. How does it helps me to get a HR role job.

I am not getting any calls since last 6 months (2009 Oct onwards) 4) iming at long term career, will it help for my career growth since am alrdy MCA grad. 5) What is the market weighatge of this course in comparison to other Dist/part time MBA 6) Worth spending 2 lacs? RESPONSE TO NISHA: 1) WHat are the questions being asked in selection time.

– Just random questions asked during most interviews like tell me about yourself, why this course, etc 2) Is reliance better than Hughes net or viceversa, — I preferred Reliance just for a bigger screen and better group-discussion support 3) I am not working since 1 yr but have 4.5 yrs work exp from MNC like Accenture. How does it helps me to get a HR role job.

I am not getting any calls since last 6 months (2009 Oct onwards) Your calls may have been influenced by market scenario. However, this course will surely be a nice value-add to your resume. Calls – i think – you will receive after this. 4) iming at long term career, will it help for my career growth since am alrdy MCA grad. YES 5) What is the market weighatge of this course in comparison to other Dist/part time MBA XLRI’s brand. I’d also suggest you to gain another 6 months experience and try to get into or consider similar courses offered by IIMs. If you are in Mumbai, consider NMIMS’ and Welingkars’ weekend programs.

Xlri Satellite Program

Review Of Xlri Satellite Programs

6) Worth spending 2 lacs? Depends on what you want from it. For knowledge, yes. For promotion, may be no. For new opportunity, may be yes. Hi Lokesh, I am in retail operations from 5 years & working as Apple Store Manager. Have done my BMS-Marketing ( bachelor in Management Studies).

I am in retail profession for 6 years approx. I am planning to opt for XLRI satellite PGC in Sales & marketing Management.

Please suggest me -“will this course add an additional value to my profile/CV”. As I am a 28years old married guy with a kid – want to get good returns from the investment of approx. 2 lacs for one year executive MBA.

Please give your valuable feedback on the same. Hi Lokesh, This is Ritesh.I am working as a software Eng in Wipro tech having 2yrs of work exp.I am presently based in kolkata.Actually i am looking for a good Emba/online Mba program which would add value to my profile and enhance my knowledge at the same time.I wd like to ask u a few ques.

1.Is this program benificial for IT ppl who are not already into a so called executive/managerial level(2yr exp). 2.How tuff is it to manage the course with the ongoing work life.Does XLRI penalize ppl if dey are not able to attend classes properly. 3.How is the industry recognition for the courses.Do u know any ppl from the IT industry got a good leverage after completing the couse. 4.How have u been benifited from the couse?

Really would appreciate your response. Thanks in advance. Hi, I read your comments on the course and I agree they have the best coverage. I enrolled for PGCBM last yr but could not continue after about 2 months due to change in job. Later I contacted them to be allowed to take readmission and continue but they did not respond favourably and the argument went on ‘you did not respond or take necessary action so we think you are not interested etc etc. ‘ and till now I have not been able to take re-admission.

The professors appear biased and the attitude always seems to be ‘student has to obey whatever is told to him and in any case of student vs teacher the student cannot be right’. This seems very surprising as they run the institute as a certificates for money business. It is not in any way different from other such engineering or medical institutions where it is a open certificates for money business, rather the private engineering and medical institutions show some concern for the student whereas these people have no concern for students, rather they always seize the opportunity to humiliate and scold the student.

This I observed in the online classes as well, some student came late and the teacher wasted a good 10 – 15 minutes humiliating him and kept giving his example in subsequent classes to demonstrate the point that because the student came late and did not accept his mistake, he had to pay for it etc etc, much like some frustrated school teacher who keeps punishing some stupid child fora small reason. I find this type of institutions who are in the habit of humiliating and ‘punishing’ people for no reason at all set a very bad trend. One can imagine what these students will do when they go back to their place of work. I am reminded of an old proverb – ‘intelligence is proud it knows so much, wisdom is humble that it knows no more’. God help us if such institutions impart wisdom! Hi Lokesh, I have a work-ex of 8 years in Insurance/Banking and am currently workingwith HDFC bank in card Collections.

I want to get a PG in finance and am toying with the idea of enrolling for PGCBM. Request your views on below 3 points. 1.)Is it worth doing the course considering the value offered vis-a-vis a 3-year distance learning MBA course from other institutes. 2.)comparative weightage being added to me resume post completion of this course considering the brand name. 3.)Any type of placement assistance provided by the institute post successful completion of the course.


Regards Amit Athale. HI, I have applied for XLRI PGCBM20 batch (2011-12).

Recently sent the filled form to XLRI office. 1 – The form and the selection criteria on XLRI webiste says graduate from recognised university only however; some other webiste i read says 50% marks in graduation. Please tell me which on is true as i have only 40% in graduation? 2- Being possesing not strong academic background, what are my chances of getting admission in the course? 3 – i have approx 9 years of work experiance out of which last 5 years are in managerial profile. I am essentailly willing to join this course to add some academic value to my profile also to gain knowledge about the details of management and emerge as a leader instead of a manager.

Please let me know how useful this course is to eet this objective? 4 – I m sure of XLRI name adding lot of value i my profile however; this does not give me the tag of ‘MBA’. What difference does this make? 5 – i have also read that this course requires approx 5 hrs of study on daily basis in order to succed and gain some value out of it. How true is that as being in private sector and managerial post along with family makes it difficult to take out that kind of time on egular basis. 6 – Is it worth getting you interview calls with front line organisations for latteral movements if not getting into strategic Mgt.

Kindly answer my queries as I am on the verge of gettin in to the course(if I get selected). I will greatful for any replies. Hi All, Few days back, I got to know about the XLRI offered PGCBM course, as I am interested in taking up a MBA program, but not really willing to take up CAT exams, clear them and may be not land up with an Institute like XLRI, I am interested in this course, can you please suggest whether this course 1) will add value to 4.5 year of IT career and take up higher roles of Manager or Business Analyst?

2) Does other IT company consider this course valid, while offering Job to candidates? Does such candidates get any benefit? 3) How useful are the Alumini circle of XLRI PGCBM program? 4) Does this course provide you access to the XLRI JOb sites, and make you eligible for applying for those jobs? 5) Is this course equivalently valuable to its cost of 2.3 lakhs? 6) Can you share e-mail contact of few other people who have already finished this course, for reference. 7) In case if one discontinue the course, will he be allowed to course after an year or two from the same point?

The Hughes people said that yes, they will allow such candidates too continue the course. Please provide you comments. Regards Saurav please reply to my email id. Lokesh, I like the way you had answered the questions, patiently.

Before you subscribe for this course, you must answer the question, why I am I doing it? If for a ambition just do it. Don’t ever think about money.

If money, then you have to be careful. I would think, spending lakhs of rupees on a course who makes you work rigorously is very valuable to each rupee you spend on it. You have a brand value, you have good fundamentals. If you want an MBA paper, there many organizations. If you are craving for fundamentals and right education, there are only a few organizations. Write your goals and what your are passionate about first. Everything falls in your way.

PGCHRM Introduction In order to satisfy the thirst for knowledge of executives, XLRI has evolved a 12 months consolidated program in 'Human Resource Management'. The program aims to provide an opportunity to study and earn a Postgraduate Certificate in Human Resource Management (PGCHRM) while working without interrupting their career. The program is being offered by XLRI in collaboration with its technical partners of virtual classroom. Programme Objectives To give participants an understanding of problems and issues in the field of Human Resource Management. To learn the critical elements of Human Resource Management processes.

To equip participants with the required depth and balance of technical and managerial knowledge that will enable them to function successfully in their chosen field. Program Pedagogy The above stated objectives will be attained through: An intensive program useful from a corporate management view point. 5 days of intensive learning at XLRI campus. Project-based courses. Lecture series. Case methods. Group work.

Assignments. The on-line sessions will be delivered on the virtual classroom platform of our technical partners. The heart of the platform is a powerful user interface that enables large number of geographically distributed students to have a highly interactive 'one to one' exchange with a central faculty. The system incorporates live broadcast of video, two way audio and data interactivity to enable the students to watch and interact with the faculty live in virtual classroom environment. Conceptual discussions, case discussions and panel discussions will be the primary vehicle of learning on the platform. Campus Visit The participants are expected to stay in the campus for 5 days of intensive campus learning. The exact date and schedule will be announced to the participants in advance so that they can arrange for their leaves from their respective organizations.

During the period of their stay on campus participants need to participate in intensive classroom and group learning sessions. Campus component fees need to pay separately before campus component starts. Eligibility. Graduation from a recognized university. Minimum of 3 years of work experience after completing graduation.

Xlri Satellite Ais

Xlri satellite program

Performance in personal interviews. Basic knowledge of computer. Minimum 25 years of age at the time of application.